::Death to Jesus eternally::
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


漢軍遠侵島靈 支那本營已虛

四方漢據地 異神伺機而起

高原藏神營 積數百年怨氣

閻魔德迦之佈畏金剛 率藏神起

海島原靈 抗漢于遠千百里

吾藏神等 怎坐視畏漢犬據

喝令眾藏尊 殺盡據藏漢軍

奪回聖地 再建藏土天域

漢軍驚覺 神界激變

急班師返 內地戰線

見 藏神揮軍 振 母島神靈

島震 憾起環海萬里漣漪

巨神 急領 餘存原靈

西向忿涌 追漢返軍

環顧四面 皆是斷垣殘壁

浴血再起 率原神殘燼

藏神亦變 大敗漢犬 機已現

多軍齊會 皆將圓固土之愿

支那神軍 多面受敵

藏神原靈 肆殺直驅漢中營

漢神眾 急 鼠返中原



Enthroned Darknes last kill at 7:24 AM | Comment


Monday, June 29, 2009

Hell awaits

Darkness covering the vast land of hate and fear.
Now hear the cries from the mourning palace.
Feel the darkness crawls within your feeble body.
The tendrils of agony pierced through your heart.
The body of christ rots and he sees the darkness approaching.
Forbbiden acts are now the new terror.
Awaken the dead for they were slaughtered in the name of christ.
Revenge must be taken.
Now, sawing heads, joining heads, sewing heads.
The dead is raised into the new abominations.
Splattering blood, tearing limbs, all theses are just the beginning of the end of the christ era.
Burning flesh, piles of heads, here i build the mountain of death to reach the edge of heaven and slaughter christ.
The inferiors, they must serve, they will open the gates of hell...
Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Levaithan, they will march in to slay the christ.
Infernal! Christ, the coward will hide!
Mornachs of the kingdom of death!

Enthroned Darknes last kill at 7:47 AM | Comment


Thursday, June 25, 2009

violent revolution

society failed to tolerate me
and i have failed to tolerate society
i can see nothing that you can adore from this broken world
violence of christ has become a cultural propagation
everybody is always trying to kill everybody
my confusions has bring me to a solution
the society is nothing but a horde of mindless beings
they think that they are the rulers of all beings that are incapable
all we need is a violent revolution!

Enthroned Darknes last kill at 11:50 AM | Comment


Thursday, June 11, 2009

devouring the saints, vomitting the sins

Saints and sinners
they serve each other
for those who fear, they are known as Saints
and for those who do not fear, they are bestowed as Sinners
if we take a further step down to understand what it means
people who fear sins, people who fear blasphemy, people who fear death, people who fear power of others even though they are the ones trying to reach for power, they are known as saints. For saints does not commit any actions of the above stated.
so arent we all sinners?
is not jesus's death is just a stage, showing people that he can wash our sins but what he did was just an act? After all what never did is to wash our sins.

Enthroned Darknes last kill at 6:15 AM | Comment



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